Christina Nortley

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go." — Dr. Seuss

Will teacher book blogs help at-risk readers?

on July 30, 2012

As a teacher, I am always searching for ways to help my struggling readers. I find it helpful when I stumble across new ideas, techniques or strategies that will increase my students’ motivation to read. Do I think teacher book blogs will help at-risk readers? Of course! The key to motivating a reader is offering lots of different kinds of books and providing children with many opportunities to read them. A great way to help fellow teachers reach reluctant readers is by sharing books that will motivate students to read. That is the purpose of this blog. It is for any teacher or parent who is looking for books to help motivate children to read. What At-Risk Readers Need is a great article from Educational Leadership that gives more insight on how to help at-risk readers.

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